Bean goods is my new favorite online store. It is so much more than a shopping website. It is a dachshund fashion lifestyle site.
Dachshund Life Category Archives
Happy Veterans Day!
Hope you all have a wonderful Veterans Day! We want to thank everyone who has served this country, both dogs and humans!!
Howl-O-Weenie 2015
DREAM Rescue has an annual Halloween event for the dachshunds! It is their biggest event and brings in a lot of money for the non-profit as well as spreading awareness about dachshund rescues. This year Daphne decided she wanted to be princess Leia! She recruited Maxwell to be Chewbaca and our foster Willis to be Han Solo. And of course it wouldn’t be complete without …
Adventure Time
Where do you take your doxie??
Rooms Dachshunds Dream About
Dachshund decor does not have to be tacky. When shopping for your home it is important to weed out the obnoxious and gaudy items and find your own style. Don’t just buy every dachshund figurine and art you come across. Pick it out carefully and find what fits your room and taste. Don’t be afraid to DIY some art. Create a space your doxie will love! …